Doomsday:The Missing Children

The story of Lori and Chad Daybell follows a trail of mystery and death that spans five states and more than 5,000 miles. It twists through a number of dubious deaths, at least two attempted shootings, a custody battle, a dispute over $1 million, an exhumed body and a mother claiming to be a god in a doomsday cult. 

And under it all lies the ultimate question: where are Lori's missing children, seven-year-old JJ and his 17-year-old sister Tylee? 

With a pending autopsy on Chad's wife, an investigation into the death of both husbands and the FBI looking for the kids, this story isn't even remotely finished. We will continue to be side-by-side with grandparents Kay and Larry. We are in their hotel room, their car, their home in Louisiana — and with them each time the go to court to try and confront Lori. We will follow Kay and Larry as they investigate the cult, talk to cult members, demand answers and dig deeper to find out what broke apart their family. With our exclusive access to the family, to former cult members and to the investigation through the lens of the grandparents, we will be in the eye of the storm as the story unfolds. And we will be there for the end, whenever and whatever that may be.

3x60 min.
